Kamis, 05 Juni 2014

PNPM For alleviated poverty jamboree,BANJARNEGARA

Posted: July 13, 2013 

Susukan, Banjarnegara, As the embodiment of the spirit of empowerment and poverty alleviation in Banjarnegara district, subdistrict Susukan UPK PNPM has held Jamboree UEP Group and SPP PNPM-MP in 2013. The event was held at the District Office page Susukan Banjarnegara district, on Saturday (6/7).

PNPM For alleviated poverty jamboree,BANJARNEGARA,digiant13
PNPM For alleviated poverty jamboree,BANJARNEGARA

Chairman of the Committee activities, Suparno said, the purpose of this activity group product promotions Activity Management Unit (UPK) and Savings and Loans Women (SPP), which became the target of UPK PNPM Sub Susukan.
“The Jamboree also to cultivate closeness, family, and togetherness between government, institutional, UPK, groups, and communities,” he said.
Besides Jamboree UEP group and SPP PNPM-MP, also has implemented delivery of social funds in 2012 UPK PNPM-MP Susukan District.
“For the Social Fund UPK UPK sourced from surplus in 2012 amounted to USD 140 million,” he said.
Suparno explained, forms of social fund activities in the form of a rehab RTM (Poor Households) of Rp 110 million for the 15 villages and food packages amounting to Rp 30 million to Rp 370 in the District RTM Susukan.
On the same occasion, Sutedjo Slamet Utomo said the jamboree UEP Group PNPM-MP and SPP was an activity that was first held in Banjarnegara district. Sutedjo hope through events like this can lift the existing local products in Banjarnegara, particularly in Sub Susukan.
“To maintain the quality of our local products, need to be kept clean, health, taste, and packaging,” he said.

Sumber: sini

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